Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How many years of bad luck do they get for this?

The full view to see the extent of the ridiculousness of my kids standing on the step stool in the house under an umbrella. (I think Noah had originally climbed up there to get Olivia's markers where we try to keep them out of his reach.)

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The close-up to see how completely cute they are. Please ignore their grubbiness. Olivia had lots of Valentines snacks today (as well as she did monday) when I picked her up from pre-school, and of course there is that LONG drive home. It was really cute to see her sharing it with Noah across the back seat on the way home.

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  • At 7:09 PM, Blogger Highlandgal said…

    Honestly, who needs an entertainment budget? You have all the entertainment you need right at home!

  • At 7:23 PM, Blogger catankgirl said…

    Thanks guys!

    Alex, I think the umbrella was less than $5 at WalMart, there's a budget for ya! It was a Christmas present for Olivia, silly girl wanted an umbrella for Christmas! :-)


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