Thursday, February 16, 2006

Housebound afternoon

We're stuck in the house all afternoon. Why? Because I haven't showered in two days and I'm not showing my face in public. Noah has already taken a nap today, so I'm not getting a chance until Travis comes home. I would love an outing to the library, especially since we have books due today, but even I have my limits.

Instead, we spent a good chunk of time playing Jack and the Beanstalk. First I was Jack and Olivia was the man in the bushes. The beans were being played by the white marbles that are hippo food in the Hungry Hippo game. Noah is in a throwing phase, so he played the mom that threw the beans out the window and called Jack a fool and sent him to bed without dinner. Then the beans/marbles morphed into golden eggs laid by the golden goose and we spent some time digging them out of Noah's mouth.

Then I remembered I had laundry to do so I made my escape to the garage. Whew. One can only take so much Jack and the Beanstalk. Of course, the kids followed me, so I asked them what in the world they were going to do in the garage. Olivia said, "playing with stuff we shouldn't." That girl is too smart! Then she spilled all the marbles in the garage, well, those that didn't already make their way under the refridgerator, so we will probably never be playing Hungry Hippo ever again.

Showers really aren't over-rated at all!

ETA: Olivia wan't lying about the playing with things they shouldn't. After updating my blog I found two plungers in the house and half the spices on the garage floor and Noah carrying a ziplock bag full of my spicy homemade taco seasoning in to me in our bedroom. That is one close-call. Our dust-buster already smells like pepper, I don't want to add taco seasoning to it.


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