Saturday, March 18, 2006

My sleepy boys

(Click on picture for larger version.)

Noah peed all over himself, his jammies, and his bed last night. (Ok, and me too.) So I got us all cleaned up and brought him to our bed. I got up this morning to put the butter out to soften for our saturday homemade buttermilk biscuits and couldn't resist this picture opportunity of my two boys sleeping together in bed. Isn't the light perfect? Aren't my two gorgeous men even more perfect? It's not often that daddy is still in bed when I get up for the day!

Poor Olivia got to spend some time in our bed too last night. I came to bed after getting Noah asleep once and found her there. Later when I had to bring Noah to bed I asked daddy to take Olivia back to her bed and he said, "oh, Olivia is here?" Heavy sleeper!

Not a whole lot of sleep is going on these days, not as much as one would like anyway, but I have a feeling we will never regret it.


  • At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That pic is priceless.


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